Sunday, 26 September 2010

First Week!

What a week...considering I didnt think we started Uni till the 4th of Oct, it went quite well. At least I didnt have time to get nervous about the course, as I found out 20th of September at approx 8am when I phoned Emma asking about her facebook status which read something like 'Im so nervous for my first day of Uni tomoro'. You can imagine the panic that struck!

Despite this, my first day went quite well. Apart from the overwhelming information of what the course entails, everyone seemed nice and comforting to me no one else seemed to have a clue of what the hell was going on.

All in all, the first week went well. Our first task is to create this Blog as evidence to complete a portfolio for Study Skills.

I'll hold my hands up and admit I have no idea what Im doing on this blog, its a case of experimenting and seeing what works, so apologies if my blog looks dumb. Hopefully the information it'll hold is correct and I'll end up with some followers :)


  1. Hi Natasha

    Great blog, see your getting in to it quite well, loving your design. Being part of nuneaton college & warwick uni can be a little confusing.For the first 2 years forget the uni hols as we follow the nuneaton ones.Although the finance doesn't start until october! I am a second year and started my first day back yesterday, boy did my head hurt!! Pen, paper & paracetamol are essential for the first couple of weeks lol.
    Anyway keep blogging and good luck x

  2. Hey, thanks for commenting (think it may earn me some points haha). Oh god, I'm so glad the first week is over, can start to concerntrate on settling into the routine. I work on my 'days off' from college, so it all seems quite hectic. The workload is a little...overwhelming lol, but I know it'll become a routine too soon.
    Well done you on getting onto your second year, I'm just focusing on scraping through the first one!
    Aw, thank you, to be honest I picked this template at random haha! Keep forgetting I have this Blog, it's taking some getting used to! x
